Feedback I’ve Received
Client Experiences
"Izzy has such a grasp of how our bodies are made and how yoga benefits your specific needs."
“A skilled and intuitive coach! She tunes right in to what can make a difference for you and encourages you through the process. .”
“A professional, kind and wonderful coach. She will go above and beyond for her clients. Comes highly recommended.”
"Starting my sessing I was feeling stuck in my life. Feeling limited. Life felt very hard and uphill.
Her method was felt organic, natural formula to simplify my life, tapping into love and not fear. Through this method, I had an Aha moment when I realized that I was using negative self-talk and not using the right words to get back on track.
My life seems more simple and easy. Eager to find out about prosperity thanks to Izzy’s help. Would recommend Izzy anytime if you are stuck or have tried many other therapists with no results."
“Izzy is hands down a master at what she does!!
She pieces her yoga, biomechanics, personal training, reiki, and wellness coaching expertise to offer the most empowering and at times life-altering sessions.
She is one of Louisville’s best health and wellness practitioners. I learn and benefit so much from her presence, mindful nature, expansive knowledge, and patience.”
Results in One Session
Abundant Mindset
"Before our session, I was not feeling abundant, I felt limitations and my dreams felt distant. In my session with Izzy, It felt really good to remind myself of the feelings I want to create in my life so that I know what to work towards.
I really enjoyed the meditation on positive and negative words and surprised myself with my reactions to both. I realized That I need to make sure I check in with myself more regularly to make sure I am giving out positive energy so it can get back into the flow of abundance. Now, I have the tools I need to allow me to live more abundantly and stop the feast and famine cycle."
“I was in a rut. I had major surgery where I was on leave from my job for 4 months and my anxiety/depression was in a constant cycle. I had no motivation, vision, or confidence. I felt lost, almost helpless. I was not living my life, it was running all over me. I didn’t feel in control and had no idea where to start.
Izzy made me feel at ease right away. She listened and provided insight that made everything make sense. She guided me to open my awareness, explore my inner strength, and practice self-compassion. I was finally able to realize the vast opportunities that were available to me, that I was worthy of. It was like I was awake after a long, tireless sleep. I can take fear out of my decision making and bring peace to my whole self. I am capable of balancing my work-life balance. I finally value myself and see the wonderful opportunities available to me. It has truly changed my everyday life!”

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Feedback I’ve Received
Patient Experiences
"I was completely blown away by my session with Izzy! I started the session sitting in a space of complete scarcity and lack around money. I was unsure how to move forward with my business and I just felt so blocked I could barely think of the next step to take. The RHAP was so quick at getting to the root of the problem and it taught me how to shift my energy into a more positive state with ease and in as little as 2 minutes. It was so gentle but so kick-ass at the same time! It's incredibly effective. After 15 minutes with Izzy we had written my sales pitch and I’d got my business model mapped out - from absolutely nowhere! but most importantly Izzy installed in me the belief that I can achieve not just my goals, but my BIG SCARY goals and I can’t thank Izzy enough for that."
"I am so grateful for the insightful session with Izzy. Her RHAP method really showed me where my blocks are, but also how incredibly easy and quickly you can make the switch from feelings of fear to feelings of love and abundance. It has helped me to become aware easily when I move into lower fearful vibrations so I can shift them by letting in abundance and better feeling feelings consciously. Where I started out with the idea that maybe abundance is not for me, I now realize what has been blocking me and whenever those beliefs creep up on me, the Attraction part helps me refocus on the feelings I do want to attract. I would highly recommend Izzy and am looking forward to working with her again in the future."
“I used to feel anxiety and I had some eating disorders. I didn't have guidance in my overeating problem .Izzy is a wonderful professional. she posses an interdisciplinary background and she took me to the root of my problem . it was interesting to know when my eating disorders start and I was amazed about the relaxation stage to achieved in that session. I remember getting in deep relaxation time. I was going back years in my life while Izzy was guiding me and making me realize what was the root of the problem. Once I knew the root of the problem, I realize I was avoiding recognizing this problem but Izzy helped me to accept this and work on strategies to improve this problem. I lost 15 pounds in 2 months after this therapy. After my sessions with Izzy, I started feeling motivated and my anxiety disappeared. I started working out often and I eliminate the unhealthy food from my diet. I loved the sessions with Izzy. She is an incredible professional and I saw results instantly.”
"Before working with Izzy and the RHAP method:
I had a fear of not having enough money to go around was there in moments almost every day and weighing me down. The feeling that abundance and the life I really wish to have is not available to me made me feel sad, small, not worthy and was holding me back really living life and appreciating what I have. (really feeling it)
Before, I often felt tight, worried, small, powerless, helpless, even when I did different exercises, meditation… the feeling of anxiety when I checked my bank account or thought of the expenses was there, I didn’t really know how to change the energy.
Learning & Using the RHAP method, The special experience which changed a lot for me was the short but very powerful meditation in which I got the physical feeling of the vibration of the words. This very practical, easy to apply in almost any moment of the day exercise is very helpful for me. Since the session, I am checking into my heart, my vibration very often, and am able to straight lift my frequency and that feels so very good.
During the session with Izzy, When I felt the different energy in my body as Izzy spoke out words, this sudden change of my vibration, I realized how easy the change is, I felt like, wow, I can do this change at any moment I want from now on.
As a result of doing this inner work, I now tune in to myself very often and expand my heart energy, feel the abundance, the freedom, the joy, and love. I´m able to change straight apply that when concerns or tightness comes up. I feel like I´ve got an easy but very powerful tool with me."